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SEN-3-19 A Bill to Adhere to the No-Smoking Policy

BILL#: SEN-3-19


TITLE: A Bill to Adhere to the No-Smoking Policy


SPONSOR: Paige Shimer, Senator-At-Large (

DATE: January 29, 2019


Whereas, the “Clear the Air” no-smoking policy was adopted on UT’s campus effective August 1, 2018, and


Whereas, a “Smoke-Free” Town Hall was held on Monday, September 12th to address the concerns of campus as related to the new policy, and


Whereas, there are several locations on campus where signs read “No Smoking Within XX Feet Of This Door”, and


Whereas, the University of Tennessee hosts a large amount of guests on campus for campus tours, conferences, athletics, and other events that may not be aware of the campus policy change, and


Whereas, there are several areas directly off-campus that do permit smoking,


Be it hereby resolved, that all of the current door signs addressing smoking that do not currently read “No Smoking” be replaced with signs that say “No Smoking”, and


Be it hereby resolved, that an announcement of the new no-smoking policy be made at every non-athletic, public-facing event (meaning any event that members of the general public can purchase tickets for or are openly invited to attend), and


Be it hereby resolved, that maps of the smoking areas directly off-campus be available upon request at all public-facing events (athletic and non-athletic).


