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SEN-06-18 Smokey’s Pantry Addition to Syllabus

BILL: SEN-06-18

TITLE: Smokey’s Pantry Addition to Syllabus

SPONSOR: Ovi Kabir, Off-Campus Senator (

DATE: 28 October 2017


Whereas, many students attending The University of Tennessee have a lack of funds or resources to purchase or obtain foods needed for consumption, and


Whereas, there exists a food pantry on campus known as Smokey’s Pantry located in the Tyson House Student Foundation,


Whereas, this food pantry contains many non-perishable and perishable foods available to all students, faculty, staff and community members on this campus and is open every Tuesday from 4:00PM-6:00PM, and


Whereas, lack of knowledge of Smokey’s Pantry to the entire student body is a huge detriment to this campus, and


Whereas, many class syllabus include “key resources” for students with directions and links to features outside of class, and


Be it hereby resolved, University of Tennessee professors be sent out an option to include pre-organized information regarding Smokey’s Pantry into their semester syllabus.